Reaching. Loving. Discipling.

Past Events (Page 3)

September 24-Hour Prayer

1 Chronicles 16:11, “Look to the LORD and His strength; seek His face always.” Once a month we as a body of believers commit to one hour of prayer, to cover a 24-hour window of time, seeking the LORD. Each participant signs up for a time and then prays from the comfort of their own…

Prayer Walk

It’s time again for our annual prayer walk! Have you ever wondered what would happen here in Kalkaska Michigan if all of God’s people gathered and circled their community in prayer? Want to find out? Come join us.

Waist Management Class

Free health coaching class. This class is a free educational time led by Pastor Nancy Grody. She is not a representative of any weight loss program or product. This class is to encourage good eating habits, improve functional mobility and create a fun filled environment to learn, share and ask your questions. Come join us…

August 24-Hour Prayer

1 Chronicles 16:11, “Look to the LORD and His strength; seek His face always.” Once a month we as a body of believers commit to one hour of prayer, to cover a 24-hour window of time, seeking the LORD. Each participant signs up for a time and then prays from the comfort of their own…

Family Camp Weekend

Family Camp Speaker Antonio “Tone” Marshall, Chaplain, Olivet Nazarene University. Services starts 6:00 pm Friday through Sunday

Waist Management Class

Free health coaching class. This class is a free educational time led by Pastor Nancy Grody. She is not a representative of any weight loss program or product. This class is to encourage good eating habits, improve functional mobility and create a fun filled environment to learn, share and ask your questions. Come join us…

July 24-Hour Prayer

1 Chronicles 16:11, “Look to the LORD and His strength; seek His face always.” Once a month we as a body of believers commit to one hour of prayer, to cover a 24-hour window of time, seeking the LORD. Each participant signs up for a time and then prays from the comfort of their own…

Missionaries Stephen and Rebecca Barber

Stephen and Rebecca have served together as missionaries in Thailand since 2016. Stephen works in the area of church development and discipleship, while Rebecca serves as the South East Asia Field treasurer. They have two daughters. The Barbers are from Michigan and have been commissioned as missionaries on global assignment to serve the Asia Pacific…

Waist Management Class

Free health coaching class. This class is a free educational time led by Pastor Nancy Grody. She is not a representative of any weight loss program or product. This class is to encourage good eating habits, improve functional mobility and create a fun filled environment to learn, share and ask your questions. Come join us…

June 24-Hour Prayer

1 Chronicles 16:11, “Look to the LORD and His strength; seek His face always.” Once a month we as a body of believers commit to one hour of prayer, to cover a 24-hour window of time, seeking the LORD. Each participant signs up for a time and then prays from the comfort of their own…